Okay so this picture of Zeke should go at the end, because the last picture of Zeke explains why. But at any factor it still is a cute picture of him! He was really good considering how long it took at the graduation. Him and his Dad went for walks to help entertain him.

Cute Katy and Janice afterwards for dinner. We showed up our families at the same place to eat. It was great because than I got to see Katy. We went to Golden Corral just a quick note don't try to go there and eat around 4-5 pm on a Friday afternoon. It was like entering an old folks home. Almost all the tables were filled with the sweet oldies.

This is Janice's Grandma Taeoalii

This is Janice and Ladda that morning before they went! They are adorable!

Ladda and Janice! Yeah! With the Diploma!

Doesn't she look great holding her dipoma!

Janice and Jamie! So cute!!!! Good job girls!!!

Okay so this is Zeke trying to use binocular of his own to see what was going on. I thought that it was adorable. He was impressing these sweet old people that was sitting next to us on the bleachers (clear the heck up there). It was a lot of fun. The day was great! We also found out that day that Janice will be staying with us for good! They (Pam and Fotu) are suppose to be getting us the rest of her stuff, documents etc... We are thrilled about that! She will also be getting her records moved back in our ward! We are very happy for this all to happen.
congratulations graduates!! How cute is it when little kids pretend stuff to solve their problems!
I loved seeing all the pictures! It was also fun to see Janice out driving her friend's little white car. I bet she can't wait to get her licence! And, I bet she is SOOOOOOO glad to be done with high school! (You too, eh?)
You go, Janice!
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