Thursday, September 25, 2008


Here at the Elison home is crazy like always, but this last week especially more crazy. We have been arranging everything through the whole house. So I am sorry that I have been neglecting my fellow blogger's. Mark my sweet husband has bought me a new desk and shelves and we are moving my office so hopefully I can be more organized and my house will be better. I have to admit that I am very excited to have this new move and a chance to be better organized. Chaos yeah now, but in the end it will be all good! An update on Zeke is now doingbetter at school we had to do a few things different but all is good now. So I am leaving town again this weekend and and I really just want to stay home and get everything done. I am excited for all of this to be over and my life to feel relieved. If that is possible? hahaha

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So today Zeke and I went to my friends house in Hyrum, UT to meet this sweet baby. Trae Stephen. He is so dang adorable it makes me want a baby! I love Zeke's look in his picture with Trae. He had so much fun holding a baby! We had a great visit and were glad that we went. So sorry that we missed play group! Zeke and I had a great time together! I just have to say that I Love my Son!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I know this is two post for me in one day, watch out here I go. (hahaha) So this past month and a half Zeke has hated going to Primary. Literally freaking out when he is not with either Mark or I. I feel like something had to have happened and I have no clue what. Than now is he acting like this even going to school. I am trying everything I think that I know to do, but he is struggling so therefore so am I. The poor kid has loved Primary all year until lately. So I guess does anyone out there know anything or know what I should try. Tomorrow for school he is riding with my neighbor Jacquie and her cute two boys. I am hoping that will help out at least for school, but we are not sure. Her sons and Zeke are in the same class so we are hoping that it will work. Anyway I am rambling, but if you have any good ideas let me know I would really appreciate it! Thanks and hope all of you have a great day!

Zeke's 1st Day of School Pics.

Well at last I figured something out with my pictures. Here is Zeke's first day of school. He was already to go and was excited until... we got there, but are some pictures.
This is Zeke eating his breakfast on his first day of school! Of course Zeke and his Dad Zeke wanting to pose weird in the car on the way to school. He wouldn't let me take any pictures of him in front of the school. So this is Nathan, Zeke and Noah. In his classroom on their first day of school. These guys are great friends and the Nathan and Noah live close to us. We love them and of course they are really tall; but they have a lot of fun together!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Quirks The Rules:-Link the Person who Tagged you-Mention rules on your blog-Tell about 6 quirks of yours-Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same-Leave a comment to let them know.My friend Kim tagged me.
Okay so I read Kim's Quirks awhile ago and found out that she tagged me so I am finally getting around to doing it. Sorry that this has taken me so long Kim.
1. I think that I have O.C.D. on washing my hands. I can not stand when people don't wash their hands after changing diapers, going to the bathroom, cooking, garbage cans being taken out. etc... It drives me crazy! So I am on constant alert about wahing my hands!
2. I also have to admit that I hate chomping of food, gum anything that I have to hear other people chew what ever is in their mouth. It totally puts me in iritation mode. Than I have to leave or I scream, well not really scream but lose it.
3. Okay I really hate silence all the time, I like it for awhile than I need some noise. When I am cleaning, driving in the car, just like to have a little noise.
4. I love the color black! I have to say that I could wear it all the time. One time I had a Bishop comment on that I always had something black to wear for church.
5. Also I love chocolate!!! Can't have enough chocolate!!!
6. My last one would be that I hate messes in my house. Ironic as that sounds because I have one big mess all over the place. So maybe I can get better organized. But when my house is clean I feel good. I really though do not like messes especially in my front room!
So the rules are to tag six people I am not sure who to tag. So whoever hasn't done this and should do please do so. Maybe my sister in law Kristi.

Another Tuesday

Okay so last Wednesday was Zeke's first day of school and he hated it. I couldn't believe it! I had to make promises so he would go again. I will post pictures when I get my machine to work again. Since that day I have been dying to share the pics, and I can get my printer to transfer my pictures. It's driving me crazy! Anyway so while that's driving me crazy I will get it to work and post them. Also this last weekend Mark, I and Zeke went to Boise, ID. I have some great pics from that and we had a great time! So I am still here and working on my picture drama!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Crazy Weather

Okay so this is a crazy day! We were inside when we heard this loud crackle and pound and here comes thunder. Then in a flash here comes the hail storm, and Zeke is outside before I know it with his rain coat and boots.

This pile of hail lasted all day and Zeke thought that it was a snow storm and was so mad when it melted. He wanted to build a snow man. It was adorable!

Yes here the kid is wearing shorts and underneath his rain coat he was wearing a sleeveless shirt. Of course after I took this picture and realized what he was wearing we got on him some warmer clothes. He was so quick to come out and play I had to to just let him!

Seriously this was crazy our driveway by or on the way to the Barn had at least over 2" of standing water. It was so crazy and of course we had made plans to work in the barn today. At least it was cool weather. I couldn't believe how much ran and hail we got. I know that in this neighborhood the other ladies heard and saw the same thing in their own houses, but I just had to share the craziness here at ours! And of course the fun Zeke had in the rain!