Monday, March 17, 2008

My Boy

Okay I have been trying to convince myself that I can do this. (blogging) So here is a good try. So my kid is my superstar. I love this picture that Aubrey took. I have no idea why I haven't got it printed out yet. Maybe with all of my spare time I can get it done. (Yeah right) So lately I have been looking at Zeke's pictures and realized that he has changed so much in the past few months, and I know that is going to happen. I realized that he is losing his baby face and turing into a little man. It kinda makes me sad. I see the other pictures and just want that back. Not saying that he isn't cute to us now, just saying that I miss those stages. I know you know what I mean. So here is a start on my blogging life!


Unknown said...

horray!!! I love that picture! I know how you feel about the growing up thing - just wait till you walk him into Kindergarten and have to turn and walk away....sniff sniff:(

Michelle S. said...

RACHEL!!! Yea! I love seeing more and more of what others are doing and thinking!!! I am glad you are in the blog!

Shaunab said...


Welcome to blogville!!