Sunday, September 14, 2008


I know this is two post for me in one day, watch out here I go. (hahaha) So this past month and a half Zeke has hated going to Primary. Literally freaking out when he is not with either Mark or I. I feel like something had to have happened and I have no clue what. Than now is he acting like this even going to school. I am trying everything I think that I know to do, but he is struggling so therefore so am I. The poor kid has loved Primary all year until lately. So I guess does anyone out there know anything or know what I should try. Tomorrow for school he is riding with my neighbor Jacquie and her cute two boys. I am hoping that will help out at least for school, but we are not sure. Her sons and Zeke are in the same class so we are hoping that it will work. Anyway I am rambling, but if you have any good ideas let me know I would really appreciate it! Thanks and hope all of you have a great day!


Kim C. said...

That is so frustrating!! I kind of had the same sort of thing with Grace and I just took her and left her. She forgot that she was mad at me by the time she came home because she was just glad to be home again. It's been 2 weeks of school now and just barely last Thursday was the first day of no tears at school. I don't know if that's the same thing with Zeke but I just have to keep telling myself that if I show Grace I love her but expect her to do certain things (like go to school and dance) then she eventually gets over it and she always forgives me.
He looks so cute in the first day of school pictures by the way!

Rachel Elison said...

Thanks Kim, I know I keep telling myself that same thing. Yesterday he went to school with no problem,I because he car pooled with my neighbor Jacquie. The one thing is that Zeke doesn't forget. I wish that he would! HE lays in the guilt when he gets home. I know that it will get better! Thanks again!!!

Shaunab said...

Rachel- Since I don't have kids, I may not really have any answers but having been a primary teacher and having taught preschool, about the age of Zeke and Grace, they go through a period of separation anxiety. I remember parents having to pry their children off their shoulders and handing them to me and then it eventually got better. The best thing you can do though is not give in. Once again, take it for what it is worth because I am only speaking from the other side.
Hang in there!!