Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Quirks The Rules:-Link the Person who Tagged you-Mention rules on your blog-Tell about 6 quirks of yours-Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same-Leave a comment to let them know.My friend Kim tagged me.
Okay so I read Kim's Quirks awhile ago and found out that she tagged me so I am finally getting around to doing it. Sorry that this has taken me so long Kim.
1. I think that I have O.C.D. on washing my hands. I can not stand when people don't wash their hands after changing diapers, going to the bathroom, cooking, garbage cans being taken out. etc... It drives me crazy! So I am on constant alert about wahing my hands!
2. I also have to admit that I hate chomping of food, gum anything that I have to hear other people chew what ever is in their mouth. It totally puts me in iritation mode. Than I have to leave or I scream, well not really scream but lose it.
3. Okay I really hate silence all the time, I like it for awhile than I need some noise. When I am cleaning, driving in the car, just like to have a little noise.
4. I love the color black! I have to say that I could wear it all the time. One time I had a Bishop comment on that I always had something black to wear for church.
5. Also I love chocolate!!! Can't have enough chocolate!!!
6. My last one would be that I hate messes in my house. Ironic as that sounds because I have one big mess all over the place. So maybe I can get better organized. But when my house is clean I feel good. I really though do not like messes especially in my front room!
So the rules are to tag six people I am not sure who to tag. So whoever hasn't done this and should do please do so. Maybe my sister in law Kristi.

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